Advisory Committee

Toshio Fukuda

IEEE Life Fellow
IEEE Past President
Professor of Mechatronics Engineering at Meijo University in Nagoya, Japan.
Emeritus Professor at Nagoya University, Japan
Professor at Waseda University, Japan

Minoru Asada

Vice-President of International Professional University of Technology in Osaka
Specially-Appointed Professor & Strategic Adviser, Symbiotic Intelligent System Research Center, Open and Transdisciplinary Research Initiatives, Osaka University, Japan

Deepak Mathur

R10 Director/Delegate

Supported By

R10 Robotics Competition 2022

The R10 Robotics Competition aims towards IEEE student members and young professional members who graduated within the last five years. The main objective of the competition is to create awareness amongst young IEEE members about the importance of technology in providing solutions to real-world problems by harnessing their creativity and capabilities. In addition to stimulating technical ingenuity, the competition also aims to help participants polish their professional and personal skills. The theme for this year’s competition is “Robotics for Healthcare”. Contestants can select any one of the following four projects matching their membership grade to work on:
  1. Modeling and Simulations for Robot Development (for undergraduate students),
  2. Robot Development in hardware (for undergraduate students)
  3. Robot Development in hardware (for postgraduate students and young professionals who have graduated not more than 5 years ago).
  4. Innovative Robots Development for Healthcare and Humanitarian Applications (for all IEEE student members and young professionals)
Please click on the projects listed above to download the detailed document describing the robot problem, competition rules and important dates. A team can work on only one project to progress through the competition stages.

Stage 1

Organized by local IEEE Sections to pick the best team(s) to go forward in the online R10 competition in Stage 2. For Stage 1, IEEE Sections will be encouraged to organize robotics activities such as workshops and technical talks and arrange robotics competitions and hands-on workshops for school children to inspire younger people to STEM. Sections will also be urged to invite local industry leaders and Government officials to these events.

Stage 2

R10 Level online rounds for 2 to 3 days. The winners of this stage will progress to Stage 3, which is planned to be a physical gathering.


2022 R10 Robotics Competition will be held on 17 and 18 December 2022 at Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.